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handover:r1708 [2015/10/06 08:39]
David Horsley
handover:r1708 [2015/10/06 14:10] (current)
David Horsley
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         * 2335UT - Hobart26 drives have been switched off since ~2300UT, despite various claims (e-RemoteCtrl,​ antenna monitor etc.) that the antenna is slewing to source (SS)         * 2335UT - Hobart26 drives have been switched off since ~2300UT, despite various claims (e-RemoteCtrl,​ antenna monitor etc.) that the antenna is slewing to source (SS)
         * Antenna stowed due to high wind at ~00:20UT         * Antenna stowed due to high wind at ~00:20UT
-        * 08:00 UT Mark VI formatter time inconsistent with DAC time, has been corrected for future scans/​experiments (Ross)+        * 08:00 UT Mark VI formatter time inconsistent with DAC time (lagging by 1 second), has been corrected for future scans/​experiments (Ross)
         * 08:00 UT Mark VI IF channels 03 and 09 showing error lights, problem has been resolved for future scans/​experiments (Ross)         * 08:00 UT Mark VI IF channels 03 and 09 showing error lights, problem has been resolved for future scans/​experiments (Ross)
 +        * 13:38 UT - Schedule resumed after wind died down. First scan 279-1346 at disc pos 418.4 GB. (Ellen)
 +        * 14:07 UT - Ridiculously high tsys measurements continuously. Imogen said not to bother fixing. (Ellen)
 **Katherine** **Katherine**
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         * 1700UT - Experiment started okay (JS)         * 1700UT - Experiment started okay (JS)
 +        * 13:54 UT - Module ran out of space after recording 1983.649 GB, swapped over to HAY-0041, first scan 279-1354b. (Ellen)
 **Yarragadee** **Yarragadee**
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         * 1700UT - Experiment started okay (JS)         * 1700UT - Experiment started okay (JS)
 +        * 13:26 UT - Disc pos is over 100 GB behind the schedule. I can't find any explanation for this. (Ellen)
 {{tag>}} {{tag>}}
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/r1708.1444120741.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/06 08:39 by David Horsley