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operations:documentation_ops2_austral15day [2013/11/26 03:05]
Jim Lovell [Observatory Checking]
operations:documentation_ops2_austral15day [2013/12/05 03:33]
Jim Lovell [Module Swaps]
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   * [[#​schedule_overview_and_module_usage|Observing schedule and module usage overview]]   * [[#​schedule_overview_and_module_usage|Observing schedule and module usage overview]]
   * [[#​schedule_changeover|Schedule changeover procedure]]   * [[#​schedule_changeover|Schedule changeover procedure]]
 +  * [[#​module_swaps|Swapping Mark5 modules]]
   * [[#​observatory_checking|Observatory checking procedure]] (every 3 days)   * [[#​observatory_checking|Observatory checking procedure]] (every 3 days)
   * [[#​fringe_checks|Fringe Checks]]   * [[#​fringe_checks|Fringe Checks]]
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 Please read the [[operations:​documentation_austral15day_overview|Overview Page]] for information on the observations,​ start and stop times etc. The google calendar on the [[operations:​schedule|schedules page]] describes experiment and shift times. Please read the [[operations:​documentation_austral15day_overview|Overview Page]] for information on the observations,​ start and stop times etc. The google calendar on the [[operations:​schedule|schedules page]] describes experiment and shift times.
-The AUSTRAL schedules are named ''​A13nn''​ where ''​(nn = 01, 02, 03, ... , 15)''​. Interleaved with the AUSTRAL sessions ​are R1614, CRF79 and R4615. There is only a 5 minute gap between AUSTRAL observations,​ just enough time to change schedule files and modules (if needed). Every three days, an hour is set aside for detailed checks at each site. They are staggered so that only one antenna is out of the array at a time. Check times for AuScope sites are as follows:+The AUSTRAL schedules are named ''​A13nn''​ where ''​(nn = 01, 02, 03, ... , 15)''​. Interleaved with these are regular IVS sessions ​R1614, CRF79 and R4615. There is only a 5 minute gap between AUSTRAL observations,​ just enough time to change schedule files and modules (if needed). Every three days, an hour is set aside for detailed checks at each site. They are staggered so that only one antenna is out of the array at a time. Check times for AuScope sites are as follows:
 ^  Site  ^  Check time (UT)  ^  Check time (Hobart) ​ ^ ^  Site  ^  Check time (UT)  ^  Check time (Hobart) ​ ^
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 | Yg    | 04.00 - 05.00 | 15.00 - 16.00 | | Yg    | 04.00 - 05.00 | 15.00 - 16.00 |
-We are using 16 TB modules at each station. They will hold two days of data each, so module changes will occur at every second schedule change. The schedule files are written such that the same source is observed at the same sidereal time every day, so the actual schedule changes are NOT at the same UT every time. Note also that R1614, CRF79 and R4615 will go on different modules to the AUSTRALs. Please refer to the [[operations:​start#​auscope_ivs_module_allocation|Module Usage Spreadsheet]] for a list of which modules to use for which experiments+We are using 16 TB modules at each AuScope ​station. They will hold two days of data each, so module changes will occur at every second schedule change. The schedule files are written such that the same source is observed at the same sidereal time every day, so the actual schedule changes are NOT at the same UT every time. Note also that R1614, CRF79 and R4615 will go on different modules to the AUSTRALs. Please refer to the [[operations:​start#​auscope_ivs_module_allocation|Module Usage Spreadsheet]] for a list of which modules to use for which experiments.
- +
-The sections below describe how operations differ from normal+
 +The sections below describe how operations differ from normal. Note that it will be possible to monitor the Hart 15m antenna and possibly Warkworth as well.
 ===== Schedule files ===== ===== Schedule files =====
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 Please carry out the regular two-hourly checks as normal during the observations. Please carry out the regular two-hourly checks as normal during the observations.
-  * [[operations:​documentation.eRemoteControl_checklist_midob|Description of checklist parameters]]+  * [[operations:​documentation.eRemoteControl_checklist_midob|Description of checklist parameters]] ​for AuScope telescopes
 +It is also possible to monitor the 15m telescope at Hartebeeshoek and you may be asked to respond to problems when local staff are unavailable. ​
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.monitor_hart15|Monitoring the Hart 15m telescope]]
 +It may also be possible to monitor the Warkworth 12m antenna. Details to follow if this becomes possible.
 ===== Schedule Changeover ===== ===== Schedule Changeover =====
Line 45: Line 48:
 mk5=vsn?</​code>​ If it doesn'​t,​ then the VSN will need setting: mk5=vsn?</​code>​ If it doesn'​t,​ then the VSN will need setting:
     - [[operations:​van_setting|Setting a module VSN code]]     - [[operations:​van_setting|Setting a module VSN code]]
-  - Now start the new schedule. Include the '',#​1'' ​section ​so that you start the schedule on the first line, e.g. <​code>​schedule=a1303hb,#​1</​code>​+  - Now start the new schedule. Include the '',#​1'' ​suffix ​so that you start the schedule on the first line, e.g. <​code>​schedule=a1303hb,#​1</​code>​
 Once the new schedule has started: Once the new schedule has started:
Line 52: Line 55:
   * Send off the log files to IVS. Refer to the page [[operations:​documentation.ivs.commentsfile|Prepare the comments file and transfer the logs]] for details. Note that all modules for AUSTRAL experiments from Yarragadee and Katherine are shipped to Hobart, and all AUSTRAL data are eTransfer-ed to Curtin for correlation.   * Send off the log files to IVS. Refer to the page [[operations:​documentation.ivs.commentsfile|Prepare the comments file and transfer the logs]] for details. Note that all modules for AUSTRAL experiments from Yarragadee and Katherine are shipped to Hobart, and all AUSTRAL data are eTransfer-ed to Curtin for correlation.
 +===== Module Swaps =====
 +Module swaps should be coordinated with local staff at the observatories. Someone at the site will phone when they want to change a module. Estimated module change times are available here:
 +  * [[operations:​documentation_austral15day_module_swaps|Module swapping timetable]]
 +It's important that the new module is powered down and up during a scan gap as this draws significant power and the Mark5 can't record to the other module at the same time (and will probably crash). So, when someone from the observatory calls, consult the observation summary file and find an upcoming period of time of at least one minute between a ''​Stop Data''​ and a ''​Start Data''​ to carry out the swap. For example, in the schedule below, the period between Scans ''​332-2104''​ and ''​332-2110''​ would be a good choice as there'​s a gap of almost 4 minutes (from ''​21:​06:​18''​ to ''​21:​10:​01''​). However, a module change between Scans ''​332-2118b''​ and ''​332-2122''​ would not be a good idea as the gap is only 25 seconds (from ''​21:​22:​29''​ to ''​21:​22:​54''​):​
 +                                         ​Start ​    ​Stop ​                     Record
 + ​Scan ​     Line#  Source ​  Az El Cable    Data      Data      Dur    Gbyte
 +date = 2013NOV28 ​ DOY = 332
 + ​332-2101 ​    7 0648-165 254  6 CCW    21:​01:​11 ​ 21:​02:​05 ​   0:54      .0 XXX   
 + ​332-2102b ​  24 1606+106 ​ 50 27 NEUTR  21:​02:​57 ​ 21:​04:​13 ​   1:16     ​6.9 ​ *    ​
 + ​332-2104 ​   41 1622-253 ​ 89 48 NEUTR  21:​04:​52 ​ 21:​06:​18 ​   1:26    16.6  *    ​
 + ​332-2110 ​   58 0454-810 188 31 CW     ​21:​10:​01 ​ 21:​11:​30 ​   1:29    27.6  *    ​
 + ​332-2111 ​   75 0230-790 184 26 CW     ​21:​11:​54 ​ 21:​18:​16 ​   6:22    39.0  *    ​
 + ​332-2118b ​  92 2052-474 140 13 CW     ​21:​18:​58 ​ 21:​22:​29 ​   3:31    87.9  *    ​
 + ​332-2122 ​  109 2300-683 166 18 CW     ​21:​22:​54 ​ 21:​24:​35 ​   1:41   ​114.9 ​ *    ​
 + ​332-2125 ​  126 0727-115 260  6 CW     ​21:​25:​51 ​ 21:​26:​21 ​   0:30   ​127.9 ​ *    ​
 +=== Procedure ===
 +  * Wait for the scan to finish and observe that the four disk activity lights stop flashing
 +  * halt the schedule. This makes sure that no recording can possibly happen during the swap and crash the Mark5: <​code>​halt</​code>​
 +  * Ask the local person to turn the key on the used module and swap it with a blank one.
 +  * Wait for three green lights above the new module to indicate it is powered up and ready.
 +  * Resume the schedule with the cont command <​code>​cont</​code>​
 +  * Make a note in the log that the modules have been swapped. Include VSN codes in the message.
 +  * Send an email to so that we know what's happened
 ===== Observatory Checking ===== ===== Observatory Checking =====
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 If the response includes the text ''​FHG_off''​ then the recorder is off. However, if you see ''​FHG_on''​ then you're still recording, so stop the recorder with <​code>​disk_record=off</​code>​ If the response includes the text ''​FHG_off''​ then the recorder is off. However, if you see ''​FHG_on''​ then you're still recording, so stop the recorder with <​code>​disk_record=off</​code>​
-If not running already, [[operations:​documentation:​start_monica|Start MONICA]] and choose the pre-set ''​aunt_check''​ profile from the GUI for the antenna. e.g. for hobart <​code>​Navigator -> hb -> aust_check</​code>​ This will plot antenna coordinates,​ tracking errors and motor currents against time.+If not running already, [[operations:​documentation:​start_monica|Start MONICA]] and choose the pre-set ''​aust_check''​ profile from the GUI for the antenna. e.g. for hobart <​code>​Navigator -> hb -> aust_check</​code>​ This will plot antenna coordinates,​ tracking errors and motor currents against time.
 Now the checks can begin: Now the checks can begin:
Line 100: Line 133:
   - Measure the Tsys while at a high elevation <​code>​systemp12</​code>​   - Measure the Tsys while at a high elevation <​code>​systemp12</​code>​
   - [[operations:​documentation.test_antenna#​antenna_pointing_check|Check the pointing]]   - [[operations:​documentation.test_antenna#​antenna_pointing_check|Check the pointing]]
-  - There are a series of Az/El slews to move the antenna over it's full range. Type each of these commands into eRemoteCtrl in the order they appear. ​<note important>​Wait for eRemoteCtrl to report ''​flagr/​antenna,​acquired''​ before continuing to the next</note>: <​code>​+  - There are a series of Az/El slews to move the antenna over it's full range. Type each of these commands into eRemoteCtrl in the order they appear. ​//Wait for eRemoteCtrl to report ''​flagr/​antenna,​acquired''​ before continuing to the next//: <​code>​
 test1 test1
 test2 test2
Line 113: Line 146:
     - As above but a "​.png"​ extension. e.g. <​code>​a1308hb_check.png</​code>​     - As above but a "​.png"​ extension. e.g. <​code>​a1308hb_check.png</​code>​
-Now you can re-start the schedule. Just use the schedule name without any line number suffix. e.g. <​code>​schedule=a1308hb</​code>​ This will start the next scan that occurs at least 5 min in the future. Check that the antenna goes to the next source in the schedule that satisfies this criterion. ​+Now you can re-start the schedule. Just use the schedule name without any line number suffix. e.g. <​code>​schedule=a1308hb 
 +setupsx</​code>​ This will start the next scan that occurs at least 5 min in the future. Check that the antenna goes to the next source in the schedule that satisfies this criterion. ​
 Now make a note in the log that the schedule has been restarted following system checks. e.g. <​code>"​Schedule resumed following system checks</​code>​ Also, if there were any problems during the checks or anything else of note, now is a good time to do it. For example, if the weather was too cloudy to verify the pointing: <​code>"​Pointing check not successful, probably due to bad weather</​code>​ Now make a note in the log that the schedule has been restarted following system checks. e.g. <​code>"​Schedule resumed following system checks</​code>​ Also, if there were any problems during the checks or anything else of note, now is a good time to do it. For example, if the weather was too cloudy to verify the pointing: <​code>"​Pointing check not successful, probably due to bad weather</​code>​
-===== Starting ===== 
-The usual startup procedure can now be done: [[operations:​starting_monitoring_9.10.5|Starting and Monitoring]] 
 ===== Fringe Checks ===== ===== Fringe Checks =====
 On 1921-293 every day. Procedure? On 1921-293 every day. Procedure?
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/documentation_ops2_austral15day.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/25 03:36 by Jim Lovell