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operations:observer_availability [2020/11/18 22:56]
Simin Salarpour [Simin]
operations:observer_availability [2021/04/24 03:52] (current)
Simin Salarpour
Line 9: Line 9:
-===== Patrick ===== 
-  * Unavailable Fridays 
 ===== Katie =====  ===== Katie ===== 
-    * Unavailable 11th-13th November ​+    * Unavailable ​10/11th May
-===== Mas ===== 
-  * Mostly available 
 ===== Simin ===== ===== Simin =====
-  * Unavailable:​ 1-8 December 
   * Available from 9 am to 11 pm.   * Available from 9 am to 11 pm.
  ===== Pradyumna =====  ===== Pradyumna =====
   *Unavailable Feb 17 and 18   *Unavailable Feb 17 and 18
Line 30: Line 22:
   * Mostly available   * Mostly available
 ===== Earl ===== ===== Earl =====
-    *Has 9 am tutorials on thursdays so cannot do wednesday 11 - 9 nights shifts, thanks. 
-    * Available Whenever Probably - Keen to work as much as possible - and happy to do day shifts 
-===== Rebecca ===== +    ​If possible I would like to request less, if not no, overnight shifts for a period (maybe a month or two) as my health is not too good at the moment. Cheers
-  ​Not available+
 ===== Eloise ===== ===== Eloise =====
-  * Unavailable for Tuesday ​overnights ​and Wednesday day shifts+  * Unavailable for Tuesday and Friday evening ​shifts
 +===== Jasper =====
 +  * Generally Available - still learning the ropes though.
 ===== Jay ===== ===== Jay =====
-  * Available+  * Away 4 - 9 May
 ===== Warren ===== ===== Warren =====
-  * Away 12 July to 19 July week 2 school holidays+  * Away 14 Feb
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/observer_availability.1605740206.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/18 22:56 by Simin Salarpour