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operations:revised_procedure_using_scripts [2017/11/24 05:49]
Arwin Kahlon
operations:revised_procedure_using_scripts [2018/01/14 23:16]
Jamie McCallum
Line 4: Line 4:
 === Prepare the schedule file === === Prepare the schedule file ===
-  * Open up a terminal and type <​code>​ssh observer@ops-serv2</​code>​ and then <​code>​~/​</​code> ​+  ​* To check the experiment code and the included stations, open up a terminal and type <​code>​nobs -cp</​code>​ 
 +  ​* Open up a terminal and type <​code>​ssh observer@ops-serv2</​code>​ and then <​code>​~/​</​code> ​
   * Once the emacs sessions to the proc files are open, you will need to make sure the right IFs are selected. For R1, R4, AUSTRAL, CRF, CRDS, AUG, AUA and RDV experiments they should be:<​code>​   * Once the emacs sessions to the proc files are open, you will need to make sure the right IFs are selected. For R1, R4, AUSTRAL, CRF, CRDS, AUG, AUA and RDV experiments they should be:<​code>​
 ifa=1,agc,1 ifa=1,agc,1
Line 44: Line 45:
 iread iread
 bread</​code>​ bread</​code>​
 +  * To configure the mk5, open a terminal and type <​code>​ r1418 hb-ke-yg</​code>​ with the correct experiment code and the required stations of course. Please not the output of the ''​EndDIM''​ might say ''​dim not found''​ or something similar. This is okay as it just means that the process wasn't running when the EndDim command was issued. If the script doesnt break out of a loop, the mk5 hasnt been setup properly.
 +  * You can switch modules using <​code>​mk5=bank_set=inc</​code>​. Please make sure you are using the correct module [[http://​​opswiki/​doku.php?​id=operations:​log|Module Allocation Spreadsheet]]
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.clock_and_delay_check|Checking clock offsets and delays]]
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.test_recording_fs9.10.5|Making a test recording]]
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.test_tsys|Tsys measurement]] ​
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.test_antenna|Antenna checks]]
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.weather_check|Weather conditions]]
 +  * [[operation:​fringe_checking|Fringe checking procedure]]
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.station_ready_email|Sending a station ready email to IVS]]
 +  * [[operations:​starting_monitoring_9.10.5|Starting and monitoring the observations]]
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.ivs.finishing_v2|Finishing up]] 
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.ivs.Logs|Processing logs and shipping data]]
 +=== Following On ===
 +  * [[operations:​documentation.ivs.newstart_v3_fs9.10.5|Following on with another experiment]]
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/revised_procedure_using_scripts.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/14 23:16 by Jamie McCallum