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start [2020/03/24 00:35]
Guifre [Computers]
start [2020/05/11 03:30]
Tiege McCarthy
Line 14: Line 14:
   * [[development:​callisto|Broadband development project]] - Notes on the broadband upgrade of the AuScope array.   * [[development:​callisto|Broadband development project]] - Notes on the broadband upgrade of the AuScope array.
   * [[wg7:​home|Satellite observations working group]]   * [[wg7:​home|Satellite observations working group]]
 +  * [[feedback:​home|AuScope experiment feedback project]] - Feedback section - work in progress.
 ====== Observing Programs ====== ====== Observing Programs ======
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 ===== Computers ===== ===== Computers =====
-* [[pcfs_servers|Server Notes]] +  ​* [[pcfs_servers|Server Notes]] 
-* [[flexbuff|Flexbuff & Transfer Notes]]+  * [[flexbuff|Flexbuff & Transfer Notes]]
 ====== Software ====== ====== Software ======
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/21 02:23 by Lucia McCallum