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handover:crd107 [2020/07/21 23:06]
Warren Hankey
handover:crd107 [2020/07/22 10:56] (current)
Pradyumna Kiran Kummamuru
Line 8: Line 8:
   * 1932UT - Antenna released from wind stow. When I put it on schedule, found out that drives had crashed. tried 15-20 times to restart drives from vdesk. finally drives restarted. Antenna put on schedule. First good scan is 203-1932. All previous scans are missed (Jay).   * 1932UT - Antenna released from wind stow. When I put it on schedule, found out that drives had crashed. tried 15-20 times to restart drives from vdesk. finally drives restarted. Antenna put on schedule. First good scan is 203-1932. All previous scans are missed (Jay).
   * Note: large disk_pos value for HO26 is beacuse i've halted the schedule and put recording on '​off'​ during wind stow (Jay).   * Note: large disk_pos value for HO26 is beacuse i've halted the schedule and put recording on '​off'​ during wind stow (Jay).
-  * 13:55 UT pcfshb shutdown so clkoff maserdelay don't work on hobart fs (warren)+  * 12:55 UT pcfshb shutdown so clkoff maserdelay don't work on hobart fs (warren)
   * 22:50 UT no autocorrelations as no checkmk5 procedure. added procedure. autocorr look bad (w)   * 22:50 UT no autocorrelations as no checkmk5 procedure. added procedure. autocorr look bad (w)
   * 22:56 UT terminated fs to re-establish delay comms. at same time reconfigure dbbc as spectra bad (warren)   * 22:56 UT terminated fs to re-establish delay comms. at same time reconfigure dbbc as spectra bad (warren)
   * 23:01 antenna comm problems, reboot drive pc (w)   * 23:01 antenna comm problems, reboot drive pc (w)
-  * +  * 23:16 first source since fix 203-2316 (w) 
 +  * 23:21 autocorrelations still bad... (w) 
 +  * 23:40 dbbc reboot and reconfigure,​ still bad. (w) 
 +  * 00:00 UT complete start from beginning, drudg schedule and proc, restart everything (w) 
 +  * 00:22 UT back on schedule, OK now using 2-bit autocorrelation check (w) 
 +  * 0940UT,​1050UT - device rx timed out (Prad)
 **Yarragadee 12m** **Yarragadee 12m**
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/crd107.1595372766.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/21 23:06 by Warren Hankey