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operations:documentation.ivs.modules [2017/04/05 02:04]
Warren Hankey
operations:documentation.ivs.modules [2019/01/25 04:42] (current)
Warren Hankey
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 ==Allocating Modules== ==Allocating Modules==
-Check the Google module allocation spreadsheet, ​and if the Master schedule ​to see what size modules need to be loaded for the next couple of experiments. The Google spreadsheet ​is updated daily by a script, if the experiment is not listed it is because the schedule isn'​t ​yet ready, so look at a previous experiment for an idea of the data space required.+Check the [[http://​​8000/​catalog/​ | Module ​and experiment library]] ​to see what size modules need to be loaded for the next couple of experiments. The information ​is updated daily by a script, if the experiment is not listed it is because the observing notes file hasn'​t ​been posted ​, so look at a previous experiment ​of the same type in previous experiments ​for an idea of the data space required. If the sched or vex file is available, drudge the experiment and check the summary file which has a data total at the end.
-Make a note of the modules allocated to each experiment ​on the Google Spreadsheet as hbobserver+Make a note of the modules allocated to each experiment ​in the handover notes
-The staff at Ke and Yg check the spreadsheet ​and will also list the modules they have allocated.+The staff at Ke and Yg check the database ​and will also list the modules they have allocated.
-On a separate tab on the Google sheet is an inventory list  which should give some indication of the module ​stock at each station.+On the module ​page you can see all modules available and filter by station ​to see the inventory.
 R4's at Ke and Yg must go on a module by themselves, as they get shipped directly to Washington. R1's should also go on a module alone. R4's at Ke and Yg must go on a module by themselves, as they get shipped directly to Washington. R1's should also go on a module alone.
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 It can be useful to make a note on the Handover Notes page for the experiment of which module to use, so the observer is reminded. You may wish to send the starting observer an email also. It can be useful to make a note on the Handover Notes page for the experiment of which module to use, so the observer is reminded. You may wish to send the starting observer an email also.
 +==Post Experiment==
 Place a red sticker on the module when it has been recorded to, and label the experiment name clearly. Place a red sticker on the module when it has been recorded to, and label the experiment name clearly.
-Once recorded the data is then transferred from module disk-pack to a local storage location. ​It is then uploaded from the local storage to Bonn or Washington. See the [[operations:​documentation.ivs.etransfer|Transfers]] page for information on the details of the process.+Modules from Yg and Ke are posted to Hobart, except for R4 experiments,​ shipped directly to Washington. 
 +When Yg Ke modules first arrive in Hobart they are to be loaded into a spare Mark5, to be transferred from module disk-pack to a local storage location. 
 +A Hb Ho experiment can be transferred to local storage immediately post experiment especially rapid R1 and R4. 
 +The  [[http://​​8000/​catalog/​ | Module and experiment library]] page shows which experiments have been, or are currently uploading from module to local storage. 
 +Once transferred to local storage the modules go into the tape room to be stored until correlated. 
 +The data is then uploaded from the local storage to Bonn or Washington. See the [[operations:​documentation.ivs.etransfer|Transfers]] page for information on the details of this process.
-http://​​jmccallu/​ajaxTest.html shows which experiments have been, or are currently uploading from module to local storage. 
 ==Reusing Modules== ==Reusing Modules==
-Only when an experiment has been correlated (search IVS email, or use the useful scripts below) can the data be deleted from module. With Dimino running, ensure that the module only contains the correlated experiment data. The labels may be incomplete and not always to be trusted. On the Mark5 command line use <​code>​ DirList | less </​code>​ to scroll through ​ the list of scans on the disk to check  before you delete. +Only when an experiment has been correlated (search IVS email, or use the useful scripts below) can the data be deleted from module. ​Locate the data module by experiment label in the the tape room. 
-When you are sure, double check yoiu have the correct module and start tstDIMino at the command line, turn off the data safety with <​code>​ protect=off </​code>​ and then <​code>​ reset=erase </​code>​ to clear the data from the module. Check free space and vsn OK with <​code>​ rtime? ​ </​code>​ and <​code>​ vsn?  </​code>​. Take the red sticker and experiment label off the module, ready for re-use.+ 
 +With Dimino running, ensure that the module only contains the correlated experiment data. The labels may be incomplete and not always to be trusted. On the Mark5 command line use <​code>​ DirList | less </​code>​ to scroll through ​ the list of scans on the disk to check  before you delete. 
 +When you are sure, double check you have the correct module and start tstDIMino at the command line, turn off the data safety with <​code>​ protect=off </​code>​ and then <​code>​ reset=erase </​code>​ to clear the data from the module. Check free space and vsn are as expected ​with <​code>​ rtime? ​ </​code>​ and <​code>​ vsn?  </​code>​. Take the red sticker and experiment label off the module, ​it is ready for re-use
 +==Shipping Modules== 
 +Once data is deleted and modules are ready for re-use they need to be shipped to Yg and Ke, with enough held at Hobart to cover upcoming experiments. Modules need to be shipped back to Yg Ke at the same rate as they arrive or greater. Use [[http://​​fm2/​mclient/​main.html#​|Star Track Freightmaster]] (say YES to java applet requests) and log in as Brett; login details are posted on the module rack in the tape room.  
 +The addresses for Yg Ke and Cd are in the address book on Frieghtmaster. Create a Consignment > New Consignment,​ Consignment Type = Standard, ​ for each addressee. The Reference should be in the form "​318-"<​station><​no. of items>"​blank"​. The leading "​318-"​ being the most important. 
 +Under the Article Information tab choose, Service Level = OFF-PEAK . Enter the item information;​ number of items, total weight (no. of items x 10 [kg]), Package contains = "​Computer data disks" and the dimensions as follows; 
 +for module box item in [cm], 34 wide, 48 long, 29 high and each weighs 10 [kg]. With all fields entered hit Print. 
 +Create a single booking for the day to be picked up, enter ready pick-up time and close of business time for the day. You don't need to print the confirmation of booking. 
 +Finally when all consignments are done and you have all labels attached and visible on boxes, go to Manifest, and choose all Consignments to be collected at the booking time. Print the form and sign the declaration of no dangerous goods, to give to the driver. 
 +To pack for shipment, re-use a box from the tape room, removing all old bar codes and address labels. Screw the sheet metal transport covers on the modules and tape the box up with the item shipping label printed from Freightmaster. Tape, screws et. for packaging found under large white board in control room.
 ==Useful Scripts== ​ ==Useful Scripts== ​
-Some utility scripts are available on ops1hb. scans the master schedules pages for the last few years and looks for a correlation date on experiments involving our stations. It writes a list of correlated experiments to correlated.txt on ops1hb. If an experiment appears in this list e.g. <​code>​ cat correlated.txt | grep -i r1758 </​code>​ then the data can be erased from the module.+Some module ​utility scripts are available on ops1hb. ​Most of them update the database so the information is located on the experiment and module libray page. scans the master schedules pages for the last few years and looks for a correlation date on experiments involving our stations. It writes a list of correlated experiments to correlated.txt on ops1hb. If an experiment appears in this list e.g. <​code>​ cat correlated.txt | grep -i r1758 </​code>​ then the data can be erased from the module.
 Also on ops1hb is which daily reads the master schedule, finds upcoming scheduled experiments with summary files, finds the data size for each station and writes this information to the Google module allocation spreadsheet. Also on ops1hb is which daily reads the master schedule, finds upcoming scheduled experiments with summary files, finds the data size for each station and writes this information to the Google module allocation spreadsheet.
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/documentation.ivs.modules.1491357879.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/05 02:04 by Warren Hankey