====== Correlator report generation ======
This is done on magilla. Below, post-processing of AUST10 is shown as an aexample
Binary files (''qcodes'' and ''snratio'') are in ''~/bin''
Make sure the directory 1234 for AUST10 is in ''/data/AUSTRAL/aust10''
$ cd /data/AUSTRAL/aust10/1234
$ aedit -f alist.ed.out
> edit dup SNR
> psfile 1234.psfile_rf
give full path to 1234.ovex file
$ qcodes
when prompted, enter “aust10 1234”
This will create the file ''1234.qcodes''. Note qcodes expects to find the psfile in ''/data/AUSTRAL/aust10/1234/1234.psfile_rf'' so check path is correct and change name of aust?? directory to lower case if needed. Alternatively, you can use "AUST10 1234" at the prompt in which case it will look in ''/data/AUSTRAL/AUST10/1234/1234.psfile_rf''
>> You need the a priori SNR values which sked can generate. Currently sked is only running on a virtual machine on Jim's Mac! A-priori SNRs for AUST10 to AUST16 have been done. To do this, on the virtual machine:
$ cd ~/schedules
$ ./snrlist.sh aust11.skd
$ ./snrlist.sh aust12.skd
$ ./snrlist.sh aust13.skd
$ ./snrlist.sh aust14.skd
$ ./snrlist.sh aust15.skd
$ ./snrlist.sh aust16.skd
>> All output files copied to ''hex2:/data/AUSTRAL/snr_apriori''
Back on hex2:
$ cd /data/AUSTRAL/aust10
$ mkdir SNR
$ cd SNR
Copy the final alist file, ''stations.m'' and ''aust10_snr.apriori'' to the SNR directory.
You can get ''stations.m'' from a previous experiment. Make sure the single letter codes match the two letter codes as defined earlier in the processing. Check by looking in a scan sub-directory (e.g. ''../1234/185-0700/