====== Schedule and Procedure files ====== * The DynamicSnap.sh script operates by drudging a short-duration skd files and appending the snap commands to the end of the currently active schedule. To work, the active schedule needs to be prepared to reload itself, starting at a line number which corresponds to the beginning of the new data. On starting the dysched.pl script, a default ds.snp file is copied across to /usr2/sched/$sched$station.snp to serve as the template. This script includes some basic commands to load the dynamic scheduling procedure library and configure the rack and recorder. The text is included below. //You need to prepare a default schedule called ''/usr2/sched/ds.snp'' similar to this one.// " dyn1 2016 HOBART12 H Hb " H HOBART12 AZEL .0000 300.0 3 90.0 630.0 75.0 3 5.0 88.0 12.0 Hb Hb " Hb HOBART12 -3949990.58300 2522421.17400 -4311708.24200 73741201 " Hb HOBART12 0 10000 " drudg version 2015Jan29 compiled under FS 9.11.07 " Rack=DBBC Recorder 1=Mark5B Recorder 2=none mk5=vsn? disk_pos setupsx * The dynamic observing script uses a fixed configuration, defined by the ds.prc file. When the dysched.pl script is started, this file is copied to /usr2/proc/$sched$station.prc where $sched is the schedule name given to dysched.pl, and $station is the station name (as given to dysched.pl). For the AuScope stations, the chosen mode is the 1 Gbps mode that has been typically used for the AUSTRAL experiment series, and a copy is included below. //Prepare your own file ''/usr2/proc/ds.prc'' to match the configuration of the experiment// define proc_library 00000000000x " dynamic HOBART12 Hb " drudg version 2014Jul23 compiled under FS 9.11.06 "< DBBC rack >< Mark5B recorder 1> enddef define exper_initi 00000000000x proc_library sched_initi mk5=DTS_id? mk5=OS_rev? mk5=SS_rev? mk5=status? enddef define setupsx 16053011358x pcalon tpicd=stop mk5b_mode=ext,0xFFFFFFFF,1 mk5b_mode form=geo form dbbcsxd ifdsx cont_cal=off bbc_gain=all,agc,16000 tpicd=no,0 bank_check tpicd enddef define dbbcsxd 16053011358x bbc01=612.99,a,16.00 bbc02=652.99,a,16.00 bbc03=752.99,a,16.00 bbc04=912.99,a,16.00 bbc05=1132.99,b,16.00 bbc06=1252.99,b,16.00 bbc07=1312.99,b,16.00 bbc08=1332.99,b,16.00 bbc09=325.99,c,16.00 bbc10=345.99,c,16.00 bbc11=365.99,c,16.00 bbc12=395.99,c,16.00 bbc13=445.99,d,16.00 bbc14=465.99,d,16.00 enddef define ifdsx 16053011358x ifa=1,agc,1,40000 ifb=4,agc,4,48000 ifc=2,agc,2,32500 ifd=2,agc,2,35000 lo= lo=loa,7600.00,usb,rcp,1 lo=lob,7600.00,usb,rcp,1 lo=loc,1900.00,usb,rcp,1 lo=lod,1900.00,usb,rcp,1 enddef define checkmk5 00000000000x scan_check !+1s sy=/home/oper/bin/auto_cor_check_2bit.sh & mk5=get_stats? mk5=get_stats? mk5=get_stats? mk5=get_stats? mk5=get_stats? mk5=get_stats? mk5=get_stats? mk5=get_stats? mk5=status? enddef