====== A1401 ====== The experiment started fine and going ok. Modules' VSNs are inserted in the table. Hb: * Signatures of RFI in channels 14, 15 * High Tsys in S-band channels * 2059 UTC: fmout-gps jumped to 0.25s. Mk5 rebooted to no effect. DBBC rebooted and module changed. * 2202 UTC: Returned to schedule with normal clkoffsets. Scans 247-2059 -- 247-2200b bad. Now recording to HOB+0129. * 2320 UTC: Clock offsets drifting. DBBC rebooted. Previous module seems to be fine. Recording to HOB+0128 again. Scans 247-2059 -- 247-2323b now considered bad Ke: * Signatures of RFI in channels 11,12,15 * High Tsys in S-band channels Yg: * RFI signature in ch 15 * S-band channels 09, 12, 13, 14 Tsys is a bit high {{tag>}} ~~DISCUSSION~~