====== aust43 ====== DISKS: hb HOB+0119\\ ke HOB+0122\\ yg HOB+0120\\ ==Ke== 1000 UTC: Int. T. reading red at 55 C. The internal temperature of the maser unit has risen to warning levels. Monica shows that the maser room temperature has risen since about 0 UTC on 27/8 reaching a peak at 0800 UTC and is now falling again. Brett informed. Martin to investigate in the morning (~2000 UTC). 1200 UTC: Int. T. now at 48 C and warning light off in maser monitor. 1300 UTC: Delay difference has been drifted since start of experiment. This seems to be coming from the formatter. 1315 UTC: Drift rate increased. Rebooting and formatting the DBBC. 2208 UTC: fmout seems to have been stable since UT18:00 1330 UTC: Resumed after reboot. Monitoring offsets. 1750 UTC: Delay difference drifting again. Trying another reconf. 2209 UTC: fmout seems to have been stable since UT18:00 0115 UTC: Large difference between formatter and GPS. Halted schedule to run fmset. This did not fix the problem. Jamie restarted the DBBC and reconfigured Schedule starting again at UT02:14. 0702 UTC: Formatter to GPS has remained stabled till the end of observations. {{tag>}} ~~DISCUSSION~~