====== R4774 ====== **Hobart** Module USN-0014/Start 0.00 GB * 18:32UT Experiment started late, first scan 012-1832 (Nick) * 18:32UT Quite a few of the values on the system monitor are red, with drive status and drive control unknown (Nick) * 18:45UT clkoff-maserdelay delay was excessively large (533072.774 us), reconfiguring the DBBC worked as explained at http://auscope.phys.utas.edu.au/opswiki/doku.php?id=operations:monitoring_hb#clkoff_reading_is_drifting_or_far_from_the_maser-gps_offset (Nick) * Some wind stows. Check logs to note off source times. (Jim) * 2017.013.06:14:55 ALARM: Large difference between formatter and maser delays. Check for stability of new offset. Reconfigured dbbc. This seemed to work. Hobart was wind-stowed anyway (Lucas) * 10:30 UT Hobart recovered from 'wind stow'. * Antenna probably hadn't been wind stowed actually for a while. I noticed the wind speed had dropped to 7.5km/h bu the antenna hadn't recovered. * Anyway after a few resets of antenna, drives, reboots, system and no change I thought the monica data was wrong since the wind speed didn't change from 7.5km/h. This has worked for me in the past to I tried it first. * Antenna started setting off alarms due to missed scans and started trying to record data whilst stowed. Never a good sign. Solution was to: * halt * disk-record=off * antenna=off * terminate fs * restart * antenna=open * antenna=operate * proc=r4774hb * schedule=r4774 And it was away! * First good scan after recovery 013-1039. * **IMPORTANT NOTE** I skimmed the logs to see where it went wrong and I think the moment it buggered up was a note that said 'auto-stow recovery failed'. From then on it got stuck in a loop of trying to stow but never getting there. Maybe this should be an alarm?? * 14:30 Automatic wind stow. Released on it's own. 013-1451 first scan after release. * 15:20 I think monica weather server isn't working, wind data hasn't updated for a while. I needed to go up to the telescope (to put in a mv004 module) and the wind was very clearly >7.7km/h (it nearly blew me over) that the monitor system showed (Lucas) * 15:30 Auto-stow released, source 1144-379, but probably not for long (Lucas) **Katherine** Module NRAO-005 (960 GB)/Start at scan 013-0349 (711.5 GB offset) 711.50 GB * 18:32UT Not running until maser has been fixed. * 03:49UT Maser repaired, looks good. Data should be OK from scan 013-0349 onward (Jim) **Yarragadee** Module MPI-0413/Start 0.00 GB * 18:32UT Experiment started late, first scan 012-1832 (Nick) * 21:50UT Data is invalid prior to scan 012-2151c (was unable to communicate with the DBBC) (Nick) ~~DISCUSSION~~