====== r4792 ====== **Hobart 12m** Disk VSN: HOB+1007 Volume at Beginning: 11275.03 GB * 1837UT Experiment started late due to drive failure. First good scan 138-1837a. Drive status kept tripping to not ready, and while the drives were on they would not go into operate. Eventually fixed by following procedure for when 12m drives get stuck after wind stow from current issues. Not sure if cause was related, there was no wind or wind stow...(Liz) **Katherine 12m** Disk VSN: NYAL-021 Volume at Beginning: 0 GB * 1830UT Experiment started okay (Liz) **Yarragadee 12m** Disk VSN: BKG+0141 Volume at Beginning: 0 GB Listed as tag along for this experiment. May join if Warren and Brett finish what they're doing. (Liz) * Experiment started at 0628UT with 139-0628 (Ross) * 0724Ut Antenna waiting at limit for 139-0716b and 139-0718b, out of concern for being stuck antenna was stowed then sent to scan 139-0730a early. So missed 139-0716b to 139-0727 incl. (js) {{tag>}} {{tag>}} ~~DISCUSSION~~