After disk modules arrive at the stations, they should be **conditioned** before use.
Conditioning performs a read/write cycle over the set of disks and identifies and isolates bad sectors.
**__To Condition a module:__**
Place the module in Bank A **(Leave Bank B empty or unlocked)**.
On a terminal window on the ops1xx pc enter:
ssh oper@mk5xx
to log onto the Mark5B where xx = yg, ke or hb. Then ensure Dimino is not running by typing:
Start the conditioning program:
./condition "logfile"
where "logfile" is the output log file for SSErase - usually use the modules vsn for the logfile name. eg: **//./condition HOB+0061//**. The logfile will be placed in ./scripts/.
The program will mention this is going to take a long time (see [[hardware:mark5.conditioning.times | Conditioning times]] )
and ask you if you are sure you want to do this but it won't wait for an answer - it will start automatically.
After many seconds, you should see the program output its first line of info.
When the routine completes , it will say how many seconds it took - **note this, to write on the side of the module**. Ensure the time taken is close to normal for that size module - if it is radically different - try conditioning the module again.
If the script gets in a real tangle, you can usually ctrl-c it and then reset the Mark5 with: SSReset
and try again.
It is a good idea to do some [[hardware:mark5.conditioning.postconchecks | post conditioning checks]]
Mark5B manual is here :