===== 12m Pointing Catalogue =====
=== AuScope 12M ===
Source RA DEC
Virgo 12 30 49.449 12 23 28.17
3C353 17 20 28.1 -00 58 47
3C348 16 51 8.1 4 59 33
PictorA 5 19 49.7 -45 46 44
30DOR 5 38 42.3 -69 6 3
3C454.3 22 53 57.7 16 8 54
1921-293 19 24 51 -29 14 30
2134+004 21 36 38.6 0 41 54
0857-43 8 59 27.1 -43 45 9
ESO212 9 24 24.2 -51 59 29
1618-49 16 22 12 -50 5 51
1921+14 19 23 42.9 14 30 8
3C273 12 29 6.7 2 3 9
0537-441 5 38 50.3 -44 5 9
3C279 12 56 11.1 -5 47 22
3C454.3 22 53 57.7 16 8 54
3C123 4 37 4.4 29 40 14
CrabNeb 5 34 32 22 0 52
Hydra 9 18 5.7 -12 5 44
3C397 19 4 4.5 5 27 12
ESO362-G21 5 22 58 -36 27 31
1830-21 18 33 39.9 -21 3 40.05
0727-115 7 30 19.11 -11 41 12.6
0607-157 6 9 40.9 -15 42 41
1730-130 17 33 2.7 -13 4 50
=== Warkworth 12M ===
Using the DBBC as a power meter, we take the total power in a IF. As this is a log response have to convert log to linear within the FS (antcn). Via this method we have used the following sources for pointing in X-Band.
We started in S-Band by using the "moon". Once we had some offsets we moved on to the other sources to refine the offsets required. Once we had reasonable offsets we started using aquir to run fivpt / onoff over a 24hr period for visible sources.
Seen in S and X:
Taurus A, Orion A, 3C273b, Virgo A, Cent A, Cyg A, Cas A, CTB31
Seen in S:
W43, CTB32
Seen in X:
Name - Field system xpoint.prc defined name
ctb31 250.0 180.0 45.0 08 59 07.3 -47 31 23.0
centa 128.0 103.0 13 25 23.0 -43 01 59.0
taurusa 815.0 552.0 05 34 32.0 +22 00 58.0
oriona 440.0 340.0 05 35 17.0 -05 23 28.0
3c273b 30.0 30-40 VAR 12 29 06.70 +02 03 08.6
To get detections by fivpt in the field system we used the following:
Record: Step Int(s) Steps Band
centa 0.40 10 x-band
oriona 0.40 1 x-band
3c273b 0.40 10 x-band
taurusa 0.4 1 x-band
ctb31 0.5 8 11 x-band
ctb31 0.4 1 11 s-band
Step - decimal fraction of beam
Int - in seconds, DBBC gives a total power reading for an IF each seconds
Steps - how many steps for the scan through the source
== ctlpo.ctl - Control file for AQUIR in the Field System ==
* Position of Southern Sources - http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/forms/byname.html
*Name RA Dec Epoch Preob Preob FIVPT ONOFF PEAKF Postob Postob
* proc Wait Wait Wait Wait proc Wait
CTB031 085907.3 -473123.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
SGRA 174540.0 -290028.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
CENTA 132523.0 -430159.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
* Northern Pointing Calibration Sources visible from Warkworth (-37 Degrees).
*Name RA Dec Epoch Preob Preob FIVPT ONOFF PEAKF Postob Postob
* proc Wait Wait Wait Wait proc Wait
3C84 031948.16 +413042.1 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
TAURUSA 053432.0 +220058.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
ORIONA 053516.0 -052322.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
3C273B 122906.70 +020308.6 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
VIRGOA 123049.42 +122328.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
CYGNUSA 195928.4 +404402. 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
NGC3603 111509.10 -611617.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
* These are 10-20Jy, perhaps we can see them ?
* 3C454D3 225357.75 +160853.6 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
* 3C353 164258.81 +394837.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
* CTB032 085927.1 -434509.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
* 3C345 164258.81 +394837.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
* 2134+004 213638.59 +004154.2 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2
* W43 184718.1 -020340.0 2000 PREP -1 15 0 0 POSTP -2