====== AuScope VLBI Operations meeting : 12 Nov 2013, 2 PM, Agenda ====== - Review of [[operations:obssummary|recent experiments]]. - Experiments reviewed: - Correlation/analysis reports: * [[operations:obssummary_2013_08|CRF76]] * [[operations:obssummary|R1606]] * CRF78 * R4606 * R1607 * R4607 * R4608 - recently observed * [[operations:obssummary|R4609]] * AUST16 * R1610 * R4610 - Previous Action Items - Light in Ke control room (Brett, Martin). Still to do. - Katherine RFI (Monitor full band (Martin, Jim)). WiFi turned off. Better? Is there a good data monitoring/collection method? (Jamie) - Processing logs, multiple disks [[operations:agenda2013_10_08_eg1|Example]] - Hand editing required. Chris has volunteered to look at fixing the script(s) - Which modules to use (Imogen, Jamie). See [[operations:start|Operations page]] - 26m IVS documentation will need updating before May 2014 - Question for Brett: how to find out the network status at the three sites (e.g. 3G or wired). - Recent software, hardware changes. - Jim to talk to Gino about diagnosing the problem at Katherine. Ongoing - Mark5 to Yarragadee for conditioning - Operational issues - Jamie in Ceduna from this week until end of LBA run. On call: phone Ceduna control room 08 8625 3070 - AUST17 cancelled - LBA Observing next week. - Upcoming 'marathon' observing run. Any questions? - Next meeting will focus on observing the big session. Helpful to get as many observers to the meeting as possible. - Q & A - - Next meeting : ?