====Austral 15, Feb 2015====
Are you on shift? Please check the station check schedule on the board and module schedule to make sure you don't miss anything.
This is the link to the [[Station Checking Procedure]]. It is similar to the Aust14 procedure, but please follow it carefully. If the gap between the schedules is only half an hour and it is time to do a station check, please do the whole station check, then start the schedule after the station check is complete.
IMPORTANT! When preparing for a system check, please be sure **recording has stopped** and that **the disks are idle**. Check if the recording is running, for example, with the command
If responce to the command contains 'FHG_on', recording is active, terminate with
and check again. 'FHG_off' indicates that recording is off.
Since the station checks are after schedules have finished, it is unlikely the Mark 5 will still be recording, but it is important to check anyway.
**Parallel Recordings at Hobart**
With the Hobart12 observations, we are carrying out recordings to our new recorder in parallel with the mark5b. The process should run automatically for the most part but please refer to [[observing:flexbuff|these notes]] on how to check on its status. **Important** - if you need to resynch the Hobart DBBC you should stop the flexbuff recordings & contact Jamie M (The flexbuff needs to be synchronised and the current procedure is somewhat fiddly).
**Monitoring Hartebeesthoek**
The link to the information on monitoring Hart is [[http://auscope.phys.utas.edu.au/opswiki/doku.php?id=operations:documentation.monitor_hart15]]
**Aust15 Module Schedule**
Observers please note: DO NOT edit this spreadsheet unless absolutely necessary.
It is important to stick to this schedule. All stations are very short on big modules in February, so there isn't any margin for error.