====== The Station Ready email ======
A script is available to extract information from the schedule and log file and prepare and send a station ready email to IVS. Before sending it, you will be asked to read it and make any necessary corrections or additions.
Details on Tsys, SEFD and fringe checks are not currently
extracted from the log and so will need to be included by hand.
To run the script, log on to ops2 and type ready_message.pl
and follow the prompts.
Below is an example ready message:
Session r1234 ready message for Hobart12 (Hb)
First source: 0637-752 at 18:07:56 UT
Formatter to GPS difference (fmout-GPS) is 8.4375 us at 320.17:58:23 UT
Temperature (C): 9.6, Pressure (hPa): 1000.8, Humidity (%): 64.1
Additional operator comments (if any): 100% overcast, dry
Pointing results:
SEFD S/X Source Az/El Offset (xEl) Offset (El)
3600/3900 virgoa 328.0/29.1 -0.022 0.003
Tsys (S/X): 93.1 / 87.3
Fringe check:
Source: 1921-293
Array: Hb-Ke-Yg
Result: Fringes seen on all baselines
Additional Comments:
Broadband SEFDs on 3C353 (3 measurements per band):
X-band: 3299, 3283, 2980 Jy, Average = 3200 Jy
S-band: 4675, 4738, 4547 Ju, Average = 4700 Jy
Additional setup notes (OK = done, NOK = not checked/done):
Checklist "Before observation"
Sent by Jim Lovell (user alias: oper)
System: Schedule file prepared OK
Time: Maser ok OK
DBBC: configured OK