If you have problems with the UTAS VPN, it is possible to use port forwarding and the Physics SSH server to get around this. ====== Linux ====== If you have ''xtightvncviewer'' installed, you can use the command ''tightvncviewer -via observer@ ops8:1'' to automatically set up the appropriate SSH tunnel. Otherwise you will need to explicitly set up a tunnel with ''ssh observer@ -L5901:ops8:5901''. Once connected, you should be able to reach the ops8 VNC session by setting the destination to ''''. ===== Windows ===== First, you will need to download a copy of [[https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/putty-64bit-0.73-installer.msi|puTTY]]. Once installed and started, you should first go to the ''SSH'' tab and then selecting the ''Tunnels'' tab. I've attached a {{:operations:documentation_ops2_pcfs9.10.5plus:offsite:puttytunnel.png?linkonly|screenshot}} of the configuration to add in. After pressing add, go back to the session tab, add in the destination as '''' and save the configuration as something like ''ops8tunnel''. Once you open the SSH connection to ares, you'll be prompted to accept the SSH key and then enter the username and password (observer & the usual). Once you have a terminal on ares open, you should be able to connect to the ops8 VNC session by setting the destination in the VNC client to (the localhost address with the port being forwarded to ops8). ===== Mac ===== Assuming the command lime provides an SSH client, you should be able to first set up the tunnel with ''ssh observer@ -L5901:ops8:5901''. Once connected, you should be able to reach the ops8 VNC session by setting the destination to ''''.