====== AuScope Operations ======
* [[operations:contact|Contact information]] for the three observatories
===== Regular IVS Operations =====
* [[operations:documentation_ops2_pcfs9.10.5plus|Documentation for operators]] on ops2
* ... and just for reference (this should not be needed any more) [[operations:documentation|Documentation for operators]] (old ops4 version)
* [[operations:documentation_LBA_MtP|LBA Observations from Mt Pleasant]]
* [[operations:schedule|Observing schedules]]
* [[http://auscope.phys.utas.edu.au/webcams.html|AuScope web cams]]
* Operations Meetings
* [[operations:MeetingMinutes|Minutes of previous meetings and agendas for future meetings]]
* [[operations:ObsSummary|Observation summaries, correlation reports]]
* [[operations:YarragadeeRFI|RFI at Yarragadee]]
===== Other Observing Types and Modes =====
Making [[operations:documentation_LBA_MtP|LBA Observations from Mt Pleasant with the AuScope telescopes]]
===== Disk Shipping Logistics =====
* Shipping modules to:
* [[operations:BonnShip | Bonn]]
* [[operations:HobartShip | Hobart]]
* [[operations:WashingtonShip | Washington]]
==== AuScope IVS Module Allocation ====
If there are any questions or issues with module logistics, please contact auscope-operations@list.utas.edu.au with the details.
===== A14: AUSTRAL Continuous 15-day Session, Sep 04 - 22, 2014 =====
* Some background of AUSTRAL program: [[geodesy:austral_background|The AUSTRAL Observing Program]]
* [[operations:documentation_austral15day_overview|Notes for AuScope observers Sep 2014]]
===== AUSTRAL Weekend Sessions =====
* [[operations:documentation_ops2_australweekend|Notes for AuScope observers on the weekend sessions]]
===== CONT14 =====
Notes for the CONT14 15-day Session: May 6 to 21, 2014
* [[operations:documentation_cont14_overview|Session overview]]
* [[operations:documentation_ops2_cont14|Notes for AuScope observers]] (differences between CONT14 and regular observing procedures)
* [[operations:documentation_cont14_timetable|Timetable and modules]]