===== Starting the PC Field System Software =====
The following steps are done through the Field System. If not already started, start the Field system software on pcfs[hb|ke|yg] by starting a new terminal in the VNC session on pcfs[hb|ke|yg] (use Applications menu or on ops2 **vncviewer pcfs[hb|ke|yg]:1**), and type:
You may see error messages concerning the Mark5 or DBBC but these can be ignored for now.
An Operator Input window will appear and Field System commands are typed here.
===== Troubleshooting =====
If the fs does not start correctly (includes lots of messages about "killing"), try restarting the pcfs computer with the ip switch. Check if the vnc session works - you will get a message from the viewer if it doesn't ("connection refused"). To restart the vnc, run:
tightvncserver :1
Launch a terminal for both the fs and dimino.