Meeting notes from 5th May 2016 Notes: Only hb 12m in operation over last two weeks Chair/Presenting: Jesse/Ross Attendees: Jesse, Ross, Liz, Jonny, Ellen, Lucas, Arwin, Lucia, Jim Bryn, Tiege are unable to attend. **Issues?** * hb is behaving well except for the usual tsys errors associated with RFI and weather. * When noting high tsys in ERC please specify channels and approximate values. e.g., rather than "//tsys high in both bands//" you could say "//High tsys (~170--250K) for chan 07,09,12,14//" * R1737 -- Slow start to recording of each scan? (~50gb data loss) * RD1604 may19: chang'E observations * possible shift friday morning (Thanks Arwin) **Minutes** * Tsys issues with R1737 at hb seem to be a one off occurrence. * Both hb and yg need to be moved to continuous tsys measurements (When Jamie has a spare day or so)