**Chair/Presenting:** Tiege/Ellen **Attendees:** Jonny, Ellen, Nick, Lucas, Lucia, Jim, Jamie, Bryn, Arwin, **Not Attending:** **General Issues:** * Progress of Hobart 12m receiver upgrade. - Receiver fitted, however, bad weather is delaying testing, hopefully finished towards the end of the month. * Lots of emails going around about Yg elevation brake, anything observers need to worry about? - Keep an eye on telescope moving correctly, not much we can do but get in touch with Yg staff. * Are the web cams all up and running properly again. - Hobart 12m all sky currently broken still. * Down to 2 screens at Mt Pleasant for observing computer. * Missing log files - Make sure that they have been uploaded when you send the end of experiment emails. * Yg humidity sensor is reading 0 constantly, Ke temperature in system monitor not working correctly. * To restore all desktop icons, open up Places (up the top), and then select Desktop. **Issues taken from handover notes** * Don't stow the 26m after observations, can often require a manual reset requiring a trip to the Mt Pleasant. - Stowing the dish turns the drives off, and they sometimes don't come back on easily. * Potentially eRemoteControl having some issues staying connected. (I see mention of this in handover notes) - 26m eEemoteControl is crashing constantly. - Katherine is also having some issues, often losing connection (~every 10 seconds). - This could be being caused by general UTAS networking issues (does not explain 26m issues).