Action items: * Jim to tell to IVS that AuScope switches to Ho in all experiments from August 1 because of the broadband receiver test on 12m * Liza to look at the pcal-diagnostic scripts for Katherine to figure out how to plot ampl/phase vs elevation and possibly other quantities. * High X-band filter at Hobart (dbbchb) perhaps needs a change. Jamie to look if we have any spares. * dbbcke is flaky recently – needs an investigation. What has been done in Feb during the repairs?--Jamie to remember and write down. Possible culprits of current problems: time distribution? Maser -- vacuum pump failing? Maser service is due soon anyway. * Mk5hb module change problems: observers/on-calls keep an eye on mk5hb. Changing modules while recording will not be done much in the near future anyway.