====== The AuScope Checklist GUI ======
The AuScope Checklist GUI is a program to help in setting up, monitoring, and finishing up observations. It replaces the old printed VLBI checklists. It should be started before an experiment starts and left running until completion.
===== Usage =====
On a pcfs machine (e.g. pcfshb): auscope_checklist.pl
Or, on Ops4, start it via the Applications menu: Applications -> AuScope -> Checklist GUI
You will be asked for the name of the telescope you want to set up, and the IVS experiment (default is the current or next one). The GUI will then start. It looks like this:
There is some header information at the top, followed by a tabbed section for the beginning ("Setup"), during ("Observing") and finishing up ("After") section. Click on the tab applicable to the state of the observation.
In the tabbed section are a list of items to be checked with three options. Go through each one, and select Yes, No or "Not checked". Type in your name in the box provided and press "Submit". If any further explanation is needed, please put a comment in the log via the oprin window as usual.
Entries are currently logged in ''/usr2/log/auscope_checklist_YYY_DDD_.log'' but will eventually be put straight into the Field System logs.