====== The IVS Master schedule ====== A copy of the IVS master schedule is kept on the pcfs machines and is used by several scripts to support observations. It is updated regularly during the year. A copy of the text format schedule is kept in /usr2/AuscopeUtils/schedules/master12.txt where the 12 refers to the last two digits of the year. The most recent version is kept at Goddard here [[ftp://ivs.bkg.bund.de/pub/vlbi/ivscontrol/master12.txt]] Compare the top part of these files and look for a difference in the ''Last Updated'' line. If there's a difference, update the local copy as follows: ===== Updating the Master Schedule ===== * Log on to any pcfs machine as prog * cd /usr2/AuscopeUtils/schedules * Make sure the local code repository is up to date : git pull origin master * get the new version of the master schedule [[ftp://ivs.bkg.bund.de/pub/vlbi/ivscontrol/master12.txt|from Goddard]] and put it in the current directory: ncftpget ftp://ivs.bkg.bund.de/pub/vlbi/ivscontrol/master12.txt * commit the new version : git commit -m "New version, March 16 2011" master12.txt Note the text in quotes should be changed accordingly * and place the new version in the master repository git push origin master * Lastly, it's a good idea to synchronise these changes amongst the other pcfs machines. So log on to the other two machines as ''prog'' and type cd /usr2; git pull origin master