00:11 UT : disc pos ~40
GB behind - Rxmon stop command returns “operation not permitted; no process killed” not sure what to do since everyone is in the WHS training… (Ellen)
01:41 UT : Rxmon stopped and started. (Ellen)
02:10 UT : swapped modules over. Looked like everything was running again fine but then the mark 5 went crazy and tried to record to both modules. We did a full power cycle 3 times to fix this. Scans between 050-0211 and 050-0239 are either bad or were missed. (Ellen)
Schedule resumed for scan 050-0241. (Ellen)
09:46UT: mark 5 lost connection. Halted schedule tried SSReset to no avail, hard rebooted as superuser, seemed to fix the problem. Schedule restarted 09:51, missed scans 050-0944b to 050-0956a (Imogen)
10:11UT: noticed that the time offset in the formatter (when issued mk5=dot? command) was more than 10ms. In fact, it was 50ms. However, this value fell with the next check and continued to fall until it was below 10ms. (Imogen)
10:54UT: mark 5 keeps losing connection, not sure why (Imogen)
11:49UT: scans 050-1146 to 050-1156 were lost due to attempt to heal the “ERROR m5 -104 mk5cn: time-out, connection closed” (restarted DIMino and fs, helped for now) (Liza)
12:02-04UT: DIMino stopped, restarted it twice, affected scans 050-1202, 050-1204a (Liza)
13:48-13:59UT: Problems with Mark5B, restarted DIMino repeatedly. Scans affected are 050-1348 to 050-1358. Meanwhile, clock jump occured, fmset synch performed 14:01;23 between scans 050-1400 and 050-1402 (Liza) Due to the Mark5 resetting, following scans were recorded to a wrong module UAO-0026/2000:
1 a1508_hb_050-1356+
2 a1508_hb_050-1358
3 a1508_hb_050-1400
4 a1508_hb_050-1402
16:45 restarted DIMino, fs, schedule. Scans 050-1645 and 050-1647 were affected (Liza)
By the end, it recorded 300GB less due to repeated ERROR m5 -104 mk5cn: time-out, connection closed and attempts to recover it (Liza)