Hobart 12m
Module HOB+0110/16000, 0 GB used, Bank A
It appears a large pointer jumped occurred after the first scan; mk5 thinks the first scan is 9419
GB big. (Chris)
In fact, mk5hb just jump-swapped the banks – it started to append data to the module HOB+0100/16000 that contains a1512, a1213, r4676 and its last pointer position was indeed at 9419GB (Liza, on 01.03.2015)
08:50 UT : disc pos ~ 50
GB behind, Rxmon restarted. (Ellen)
11:25 UT : disc pos still falling behind (~60
GB). (Ellen)
Katherine 12M
Module HOB+0106/16000, 3252 GB used, Bank B
Module HOB+0102/16000, 8236 GB used, Bank A