19:00 UT: The Dewar vacuum pressure is higher than 3.5 microns per Mercury (~6.04) (Momtaz).
19:20 UT: Alarm: Large difference between formatter and maserdelay (Momtaz).
19:10 UT: Alarm: SX receiver parameter pres out of range for the last few readings.It is working well after running the pump (Momtaz).
02:38:00 UT Missed scan 107-0235 (Lucas) is a windstow.
Still stowed at 04:10:00 at scan 107-0414 (Lucas).
Wind sitting around 35-40 km/hr, seems stead and not falling (Lucas).
1316 UT: Wind Stowed since source 107-1322
1320 UT: e-remote control lost connection (unable to reconnect), antenna doesn't seem to respond. antenna= commands didn't work. (Lim)
13:57 UT: terminated boss, restarted fs-mk5ho, did quick setup, valid scan 107-1405a. (missed scans: 07-1325b, 107-1338, 107-1342, 107-1348, 107-1351b) (Lim)
14:11 UT: e-remote control re-connected. Log file continued on apsg45_ho_econtrol.log from apsg45ho_erc.log (Lim)
15:17 UT: “previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded” error happens again. antenna= commands still returns 'Direct antenna communication unavailable“. Doesn't look like wind stow since wind speed <10km/h. (Lim)