Hobart 26m
Disk VSN: HOB+0125/32000/1024 | Data volume at beginning: 18.45 TB
1800UT - Experiment started ok(Jay).
1400UT - Disk position is significantly offset, around 1TB! Why has noone put this in the handover notes? The decrease seems steady over the experiment:
Katherine 12m
Disk VSN: HOB+0093/16000/1024| Data volume at beginning: 0.0 GB
Yarragadee 12m
Disk VSN: HOB+0131 | Data volume at beginning: 5.9 TB
1800UT - Experiment started OK (Jay)
136.14:45:00 UT - connection lost to pcfsyg. Cannot vnc or ssh into system, ping times out. Could be power failure. Will attempt to contact SNR station (Lucas)
Phone lines worked, was able to call Yarragadee and Peter said everything appeared to be working correctly (Lucas)
Called Brett:
Network router at Yarragadee is Pinged this and it timed out. Implying that the network router was down (Lucas).
Turns out the on-site router was in a weird state. ROUTER MSR2004-24 JG734A, second unit from the top of rack 4. Required a power cycle. It has 2 ethernet ends and 1 mobile. One through the ambulance link and the other through the ming windmill link (?). Unknown where the problem was but after the reboot it came back up (Lucas).
16:10:00 Once network was back up, was able to see that antenna had lost communication and required a antenna=open, antenna=operate. Logs reveal this was only from 16:03:00 so only affecting scans 1600 to 1610 (Lucas).