Hobart 12m
Running in mixed mode, using datastreams with xx, xy and sxy extensions.
Katherine 12m
Running in mixed mode, using datastreams with xx, xy and sxy extensions.
23:50 - DBBC3 samplers reporting as bad. Resetting the DBBC3 (JMc)
Yarragadee 12m
pcfs dead. Running with antenna positions supplied through a “Track” File in the HMI interface and a timed script to run the recorder.
Also, mk5yg iss having problems with the module. Recording to flexbuffyg instead.
0000 - Discovered recording script is not working properly - time calculation error (JMc)
0104 - Now observing with the recorder running at correct times. There may be some useful data by chance before this… (JMc)
0507 last recording before record script failed to call scan names due to fs interrupt? (w)
0751 started recording using field system to mark5 module USN+0224, start byte 0 (w)
2113 UT ERROR un 111 connection refused - ERROR s5 -23 rfpcn: error opening, rfpic probably not running, see above for error. fs is running, ping shows there is connection, and restarting Monica didn't help. Called Warren and ignoring error! (Simin)
Started ok.
0200 fs oprin only occasionally accepting observer commands. schedule appears to be running OK (Warren)