Hobart 12m
Yarragadee 12m
Disk VSN: HOB+0126/32000/1024
Katherine 12m
1800UT - Experiment started late - antenna issues, antenna system needed to be rebooted
1830UT - First source recorded: 2255-282 (Eloise)
2200 UT - only xx pol being recorded, guifre suggests restart jive5ab (warren)
2220 next source after jive5ab restart, dbbc2 reconfigure (w)
2235 UT still only xx recording, try again, jive5ab reply !datastream=0(good) to datastream=add xx, xy , sxy (w)
2239UT from now we have xx xy sxy streams recorded OK (w)
Hobart 26 m
Disk VSN: HOB+0101/16000/1024