HOB+0055 ; disk_pos 6408.5 GB
This is a 8 TB module and will need a new module in place. Contacted Imogen who confirmed that she will arrange for a fresh module in place. (vk)
00:00 UT - Experiment started OK (vk)
00:43 UT - Changed 2TB mdoule, put HOB+0101/16TB into BankB ready for change over when the other module fills up (Imogen)
01:32 UT - Wind stow. I am not able to restart MoniCA client by following the procedure in the wiki. “pcfshb:~# socket: server socket: Address already in use” says the command printout (vk)
01:52 UT - disk_pos 9.6
GB deficiency
02:19 UT - Wind stow. (vk)
02:24 UT - Stow released. Missed scans: 073-0220 to 073-0223 (vk)
02:44 UT - Wind stow. (vk)
02:55 UT - Stow released. Missed scans: 073-0243 to 073-0256 (vk)
03:48 UT - disk_pos 21.5
GB deficiency
05:38 UT - disk_pos 38.5
GB deficiency
07:26 UT - Changed to new disk. VSN: BKG+0101, +0 offset. Exp at 1621
23:13 UT - disk_pos 99
GB deficient. (DH)
23:17 UT - Restarted Rfmon (DH)
01:37 UT - Restart observations. Missed scans: 073-0133 to 073-0139b. Recording was not stopped though. (vk)
HOB+0094 ; disk_pos 81.0 GB
00:00 UT - Issues with mk5ke. Log monitor says that the connection is closed. Restarted dimino and all seems good now. First scan expected to be 073-0009. Expected disk deficiency is 28.2
GB (vk)
HOB+0098 ; disk_pos 0.0 GB
Prior warnings that cyclone is due at Yg at 00:00 UT. However, camera and radar indicate nothing more severe than overcast skies at experiment start time.
00:00 UT - Experiment started OK (vk)
00:40 UT - “Computer ACU time difference exceeded 0.25 seconds” error. Wiki says this can be safely ignored (vk)
s and x band tsys are very high. x band channels 5,6,7 and 8 are affected (vk)