Hobart 12m:
Disk VSN:HOB+0051
Data volume at beginning:0.0 gb
19:30UT Experiment started OK.
19:35 UT got the following errors “ERROR st -998 reading SystemClock1”, “ERROR st -999 TCP/IP connection error” , and “ERROR st -5 Error return from antenna, see Mbus error.”. antenna=open didnt fix, neither did restarting the HMI, or the field system. Warren heading to the observatory to investigate. Scans affected 329-1937 to 329-2101 inclusive. (Arwin)
19:45 UT Network problem, syshb.phys.utas.edu.au ( wasn't responding to packets, restarted network switch in 12m pedestal. (Warren)
Katherine 12m:
Disk VSN:GSFC+018
Data volume at beginning: 0.0 gb
19:30UT Experiment started OK.
02:40UT mk5 died. Possibly Martin swapped the module. Killed the dimino and restarted dimino after running SSReset. Missed scans: 330-0231 at 02:31 through 330-0241 first good scan 330-0244 at 02:44. (Lucia)
02:50UT e-remote control is running again now. Jamie killed the ercd processes on pcfske and restarted manually. (Lucia)
Yarragadee 12m:
Disk VSN:USN-0097
Data volume at beginning: 0.0 gb
Hobart 26m:
Disk VSN:USN+0221
Data volume at beginning: 0.0 gb
19:33UT Experiment started 3 minutes late due to delay in setup resulting from issues with ke eremotecontrol. First scan 329-1939, source= 1144-379.
05:48UT Alarm source not reached in time. There was a wind stow. Affected scans between 5:44 and 05:49 UT. (Lucia)
06:42UT - Wind stowed for scans 330-0644 to 330-0708. Still too windy so schedule was halted because alarm sounds every single scan. Missed scans 330-0711 to 330-0806 (80
08:08UT - Wind settled down. First scan back 330-0811. (Ellen)
17:04UT Alarm sounded,“Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded” doesn't seem to be because of wind stow or any other system error. Next source was reached on time, and is now tracking. Affected scan 330-1704. Will monitor for recurrence and possible causes. (Liz)
18:59UT “Previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded” happened again. This time, live page indicates wind stow. Waiting for self-recovery, however, doesn't seem to be windy enough to stow. Checking wiki but may run out of time on the experiment (Liz)
19:31Ut According to Jamie, it has been windy enough to stow so this is nothing to worry about. Missed scans 330-1858 to 330-1932 (Liz)