Lots of wind stows 22:00-00:30 UT (Warren)
00:00 UT dbbc3hb samplers “bad” since experiment start. reconfigure (w)
01:30 UT power cycle dbbc3hb, reconfigure and setup again, still wind stowed (w)
01:50 UT dbbc3hb sampler 3 still reports “bad” sampler 4 OK (w)
01:47 UT wind stow again (w)
02:15 UT schedule resumed (w)
02:20 UT dbbc3hb sampler 3 and 4 report “bad”
02:30 UT dbbc3hb sampler 3 reports “bad”(w)
04:30 UT wind stowed again (w)
05:00 UT wind stowed again (w)
05:15 UT out of wind stow (w)
7:000 (approx) wind stow
1300UT sampler 3 still bad, still recording (eloise)