
Hb HOB+0102 (bank A) Data recorded = 5365.691 GB (VK)

08:05UT: Antenna wind stowed. Antenna got stuck coming out of wind stow, had to reset drives, but immediately had to go back into wind stow. Stowed antenna, halted schedule, to wait for wind to subside enough to safely resume schedule. (Imogen)

08:15UT: Abnormal auto-correlation reading in channel 11. Corrected itself when schedule restarted after wind stow.(Imogen)

08:22UT: Attempted to restart schedule, but antenna immediately went back into wind stow. (Imogen)

08:26UT: Attempted to restart schedule, but again antenna did not come out of wind stow. Stowed antenna, halted schedule and rebooted drives. Resumed schedule and restarted drives. Antenna still went back to wind stow. Wind speed average 35kph and decreasing. (Imogen)

08:32UT: Wind speed has sufficiently slowed, but antenna did not move to source. Stowed antenna, terminated field system. Began procedure to restart field system, however at that time, wind reached over 60kph and stayed there, so schedule was not resumed immediately. (Imogen)

09:08UT: After wind subsided, drives were reset again, schedule was successfully resume. (Imogen)

Missed scans 285-0802 to 285-0906.

09:30UT: Antenna entered wind stow again. (Imogen)

09:57UT: Mark5 was recording when antenna was stowed, therefore may have some useless data before 09:57UT. Mark5 was stopped, schedule restarted. However, drives were still indicating as stuck, even though there was no wind stow indicated in drive control window. Halted schedule, turned off antenna with antenna=off, restarted antenna with antenna=open, antenna=operate. Restarted schedule successfully at 10:05UT. (Imogen)

Missed scans 285-0931b to 285-1006. (Imogen)

10:23UT: Wind stow activated. (Imogen)

10:32UT: antenna did not recorver from wind stow, had to turn antenna off and on again. (Imogen)

Ke HOB+1011 (bank B) Data recorded = 5883.735 GB (VK)

Yg HOB+0106 (bank A) Data recorded = 5954.953 GB (VK)