Experiment was started late.

Hobart 12m:

Disk VSN: HOB+0112

Data volume at beginning:0GB

05:20UT - Hobart started schedule (Imogen) (1260 GB missed)

14:26UT - The hard drive of the pcfs machine for Hb became full, and the log was not writing. A few minutes (until 14:34) of log was missed. Deleted some files to keep the log writing (emailed Jamie about this) (Chris)

Katherine 12m:

Disk VSN: HOB+0104

Data volume at beginning:0GB

Yarragadee 12m:

Disk VSN:HOB+0083

Data volume at beginning: 8.04TB

05:27UT - Yarragadee started schedule. 1207 GB missed (Imogen)