Hobart 26m:
Disk VSN: HOB+0132
Date volume at beginning: 0 GB
00:02:57 UT - experiment started OK (Jonny)
12:16- 12:22 UT wind stow (arwin)
336-12:24:13 - 336-12:27:29 UT wind stow
336-14:22:11 - 336-15:01:43 UT wint stow
multiple windstows all through the night, to get times type 'grep wind c1705ho.log
'. (Arwin)
Katherine 12m:
Disk VSN: MAT+0003/8000
Date volume at beginning: 131.35 GB
00:02:21 UT - experiment started OK (Jonny)
336.17:30 UT Ke drives failed multiple times. Comments.py will get the starting time wrong as 17:50 , change to 1730 and the scans missed from 336.1733- (the last missed scan will be correct as per comments.py). (Arwin)
Yarragadee 12m:
Disk VSN: HOB+0074/8000
Date volume at beginning: 2108.36 GB