Hobart 26m
Disk VSN: HOB+1003 | Data volume at beginning: 0.0 GB
1730UT Experiment started okay (Lim)
1941UT Autocorrelation did not look gook, reprogrammed DBBC and Sync fmset after scan 176-1936, missed scans: 176-1943 and 176-1951. (Lim)
2140UT formatter-gps time was constantly drifting since last dbbc reconfiguration. drifted to ~0.9us, Solved by Rebooting mk5 and dbbc. Missed scans: 176-2136, 176-2143, 176-2149(Lim)
0422-0511 - Sync Error and associated 1 second offset. No obvious cause. DBBC power cycled and reconfigured. (JMc)
Katherine 12m
Disk VSN: HOB+0133 | Data volume at beginning: 0.0 GB
Yarragadee 12m
Disk VSN: HOB+1008 | Data volume at beginning: 0.0 GB