Pointing and fringe checks were not performed, otherwise started right in time.
erc Status Monitor window shows wrong time: 1969. while it is really (according to formatter, FS, computer) is 2014. Execution of commands happens according to real time.
At around 16:45, cryogenic show signs of warm-up: T(70K phase)=84K, T(20K)=65K, He pressure goes down recently, but currently 305 psi
Frequent error: “Error being ignored: error qk -211 tsys value for device ic overflowed or was less than zero.” and “Error being ignored: error ch -308 vd total power integrator overflow”
recording to USN-0109
Internet connection is flaky, ERC loses connection every now and then, so often that even filling the checklist is problematic
Descending slope in the autocorrelation bandpass in channel 15 – RFI
recording to USN-0205