Hobart 12m:
Disk VSN:HOB+1003/8000
Data volume at beginning: 0 TB
Hobart 26m:
Disk VSN: NTO-0007/2000
Data volume at beginning: 0TB
UT 17:58 - getting error Device vf timed-out on response from MATCN
Katherine 12m:
Disk VSN:USN-0091/4000
Data volume at beginning: 0TB
03:10 UT - Clock jump from -0.3 microsec to -0.48 micro sec in formatter - gps (vk)
05:20 UT - It looks as though the formatter to gps difference is slowly drifting to > |-0.48| microsec (vk)
06:04 UT - Halted schedule to reconfig DBBC as drift is > |-0.5|(vk)
06:24 UT - Restarted schedule. Missed scans 140-0604 to 140-0624, corresponding to 27
GB (vk)
07:29 UT - Clock jumps, missed scans 140-0728 and 140-0737 (Ross).
Yarragadee 12m:
Disk VSN: USN+0208/8000
Data volume at beginning: 0TB