1730UT-Experiment started OK (Simin)
1305UT - rxp is not providing focus position info, instead it is returning error about connection with remote host lost. Live page says receiver position is correct. (Tiege)
1400UT - Have arrived at MtP, going to open the valve and cool the S/X receiver. Also needed to put a module in for the next experiment. (Tiege)
1435UT - MK5 crashed when new module went in (despite me waiting until between scans to turn the key on the second bank). Power-cycled the mk5 and everything is back running. No data was recorded between 1435UT and 1450UT (missed scan 178-1437). (Tiege)
1600UT - Heading back to Sandy Bay, cooled receiver down to 65-70K, will likely need to be done again in the morning. (Tiege)
1700UT - Fixed issue of ops8 not having sound, needed a reboot for it to begin working correctly. (Tiege)
1711UT - seems like it only temporarily fixed the sound. Have tried different speakers, they also do not seem to work. Going to rely on the SMS to mobile for now. (Tiege)
1737UT - pressure reading from cryomon went negative for a few scans in a row. Seems to have come right, I am putting it down to the dodgy sensor. (Tiege)