Had to be drudged manually from hard to find .vex file, not found on all IVS servers and Warren didn't receive email.
17:30UT Experiment started okay (Momtaz).
11:30 UT L-band receiver selected change to S/X (Warren)
00:15 UT Record first scan disk_pos/2695871332352,2690890547200,2690922598400 aua054_ho_no0074 (w)
03:06 UT Wind stow (w)
03:55 UT recorded scans wind stow affected aua054_ho_no0106 through aua054_ho_no0115 (w)
04:00 UT halt schedule, wind here to stay (w)
06:00 UT still wind towed (w)
06:50 UT attem* 06:00 UT still wind stowed (w)pted to restart schedule in lull, wind stowed immediately (w)
07:00 UT something/someone trying to transfer data from module? mk5 reboot, fmset (w)
08:00UT still wind stowed (Lim)
09:09UT schedule resumed around scan 0844-652, wind about 40km/h(Lim)
11:00UT wind speed ~30km/h, still wind stowed. Halt schedule again (Lim)
1150UT wind speed ok, resume schedule (Lim)
1225UT Wind stowed again, halt schedule (Lim)
1347UT Notice that it was still on halt, so continued the schedule (wind was low). Missed scans, no0205 - no0220. (Katie)
1354UT Go the warning: “Cannot change schedules while recording, use_disk_record=off to stop.” (Katie)