Module:USN+0220, start pos: 2625.458 GB
1800 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)
0917 eremotecontrol retunred onsource as slewing twice before retuning tracking. This was followed with the following two errors (AK)
error an -103 pointing computer tracking errors are too large.
error qo -301 warning: onsource status is slewing!
0930 UT (approx) one of the Hobart s band sys temp spiked to about 3300 while another to about 1300, the relevant channel numbers were recorded in the checklist
Module: USN-0137, start pos: 1666.807 GB
1800 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)
0759 UT Katherine had the following error “error ib -4 gpib device time-out on response c2”. Wiki had instructions on “ERROR sp -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c2”. As per the wiki's suggestion, ran the “counter” command followed by the input of “maserdelay” and “clkoff” a few times. Everything seems okay (AK)
Module: USN-0150, start pos: 2296.388 GB
1800 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)