The ifc and ifd were not on default values which lead to a 'error di -101 no default for if input' when 'setupsx' was entered during the setup. Values from the earlier (ohg113) summary file were copied onto the current one to resolve the issue (Prad).
1607UT - Large difference between formatter and maser delays (Prad).
1730UT - Experiment started OK (Prad).
1800UT - Formatter to FS time difference 0.5 seconds or greater. Scan 310-1800 may have been affected (Prad).
1914UT - Formatter to fs time difference 0.5 seconds or greater (Prad).
2010UT - Formatter to fs time difference 0.5 seconds or greater. Scan 210-2010b may have been affected (Prad).
2031UT - error qo -301 warning: Onsource status is slewing (Prad).
2111UT - Formatter to fs time difference 0.5 seconds or greater. Scan 310-2111 might be affected (Prad).
0207 - Source not reached due to windstow (JMc)
0336 - Back on source (JMc) Scans between 0207 and 0336 will not be useful.
~0330 Receiver cryogenic pressure high, vacuum pump started (JMc)
No Tsys readings, reason unclear (JMc)
Schedule halted at 05:35 due to high winds (JMc)