1730UT Experiment started OK (Prad).
1740UT-1815UT connection to mk5 seemed to have been lost. Found that the Dimino wasn't running in mk5hb (surprising). Problem got solved once the DIMino was back up (Prad).
0101UT ERROR qo -301 WARNING: ONSOURCE status is SLEWING! Wind stow (Simin).
0117UT Back to the schedule. Missed scans: 093-0101a to 093-0117 (Simin).
0650UT Clkoff command gives different values that's way apart, when used in pcfcho and pcfshb. Jamie said that he'll look into it (Jay).
13:21UT - HOB+1006 is full, switched to HART+101 (Patrick)
14:02UT - HART+101 is full. On my way to Mt Pleasant to put a new module in. (Patrick)
15:05UT - Swapped out HART+101 for HOB+1007 (bank B). Schedule resumed. Missed scans 093-1403 through 093-1507 (Patrick)
Disk VSN: HOB+1007/16000/1024 | Data volume at beginning: 0
15:10UT - SX receiver pressure + temperature started to rise, turned on pump for half an hour to lower these values. (Patrick)
16:40UT - ops8 system reboot took down mk5hb Dimino. Must have been running on ops8. Started Dimino through terminal on newsmerd vnc. (Patrick)