17:00 UT - Experiment started OK (vk)
00:36 UT - record pointer 15GB behind the schedule (Liza)
02:00 UT - rxmon and ifbox restarted due to repeating error (Liza)
02:59 UT - autostow, affected scans 132-0258a onwards, 0320a being a first valid scan (Liza)
03:55 UT - autostow, 06:06 recorder off, halt schedule. Restarted 04:07 UT. Lost scans: 132-0352a onwards, 132-0415b being first valid scan (Liza)
06:24 UT - restarted Rfmon and IFBox (Liza)
06:27 UT - the pointer is 40GB behind, difference grows progressively due to windstows (Liza)
06:27 UT and before - autocorrelation spectra demonstraed signatures of RFI - slopes and peaks - in the following channels: X5, X7, X8, S5, S6(Liza)