Hobart 26m:
Disk VSN:HOB+0015/6000/
Data volume at beginning:0
17:00 UT – started OK (Liza)
23:10 UT – power levels in if3 adjusted. VCs look happier now (Lucia).
05:00 UT – vacuum pressure has been increasing over the last two (03 UT - 05 UT )hours. Now reset the vacuum pump and it is under 3.5 again. Receiver still warm. Possibly bad scans from 202-0303 ongoing due to warm receiver (up to 140K). (Lucia)
11:18 UT – Windstowed (JS)
12:05 UT – Still windstowed (JS)
13:50 UT – Still windstowed (JS)
14:01 UT – Not windstowed! Missed scans 202-1118a to 202-1359a (JS)
Drives error at ~16:10. No sources reached between 16:11 and 16:58 (JMc)
Katherine 12m:
Disk VSN: UVLBI-06/2400/
Data volume at beginning: 0