eremote still doesn't appear to work on ops8 OR ops4, the backup control doesn't appear to connect either (I could be wrong, I'm not very familiar with it). So the current way to view/monitor the experiment is to have the VNC to the pcfs open and have the logs going. Then you ssh into the pcfs from ops8 and find the 'stream_log' script.
It is currently located in /home/observer/deh/opsutils/ so cd to that dir and type (e.g for hb):
./stream_log hb
This will begin streaming the log from pcfs to /tmp/hb.log. Then from the log monitor, start monitoring that file (/tmp/hb.log). Seems to be best to do a clkoff first.
Because e-remote control is not working, checklists are unavailable. Will be regularly running through the checklist points and noting anything out of the ordinary below.
Hobart 12m
Disk vsn: BKG+0142/4000 Start position: 3.269 GBs
Disk vsn: HOB+0094/160000 Start position: 9051.643 GBs
Disk vsn: HOB0104/16000 Start position: 7877.132 GBs