Hobart 12m:
Disk VSN: WSRT-049
Data volume at beginning: 0GB
Katherine 12m:
Disk VSN: BKG+0120
Data volume at beginning: 0 GB
17:00UT Experiment started OK. (JS)
Weather not being logged. Not sure why. Investigating (JL)
11:20 UT ALARM: error m5 -900 not while recording or playing - slow scan when a
spec test was run caused this alarm I think. (Bryn)
14:23 UT ALARM: error m5 -900 again (Bryn)
Yarragadee 12m:
Disk VSN: OSOD-351
Data volume at beginning: 0 GB
17:00UT Experiment started OK. (JS)
01:00UT Local disk had filled up, failed to write log file. Observations seem to have gone OK in interim but there is no log. No log written from about 22:05 UT until 01:00 (JL)